​Big day for The Solar System Tastes Like Chicken!

Were you confused about the weird objects and their weirder descriptions? Did you wonder how the universe might sound? Want a refresher on why capitalism sucks?

Say no more, because this devlog has you covered!

1. Object art.
This is a huge one. Where previously, you had to guess what you were looking at, maybe with a little help from the (admittedly, very cool) background art, now, you... still have to guess, but with enough perseverance, you will know whether your clever deductions were not only clever, but also correct! 
Our resident artist and musical genius McKid (we'll get to that) hunkered down and created some more outstanding artwork of each individual object so that you, our dear players, may screenshot it, print it out and put it on your fridge to commemorate the wonderful and totally not depressing time you had with this game.

Caps lock doesn't do the importance and extent of this change justice. Previously, the game had no sound. None. Nada. Niente. Even authors and literary scientists (okay, only one of each) were put off by the idea of having to read so much without any reward. Not anymore*! Folks, we have a soundtrack. We have sound effects. We have sound design that is equally terrifying and awe-inspiring. Just like the sun. Just like our world. Just like our resident artist and sound designer (in this case, though, only awe-inspiring). 
All sounds used are in the creative commons, some on an attribution license -- the sounds themselves are linked and listed in the credits section.

*repeat contact with the author and the literary scientist pending.

3. Minor text edits.
Improved flow, readability, and clarity! We can now offer you a diegetic in-game goal and explanation thereof! Less confusion for everyone! Hooray!!

4. Accessibility.
You can now select Lexem as your friendly neighborhood dyslexia-friendly font, and adjust the text size as needed. 

And we're not done yet! Stay tuned for further updates, with more music and optimizations. In the meantime:

Peace out,
The Three Trees


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Niiice, glad to see this ! Good job !


Thank you! It was lots of fun!